Pastoring in a Time of Pandemic

Pastoring in a Time of Pandemic

Solihten Institute and Samaritan Counseling Center of Atlanta present a live interactive webinar “Pastoring in a Time of Pandemic,” a conversation about the intersection of faith and mental health in these unprecedented times.

Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 Webinar Series: Part 3-Task-Shifting To Address Increasing Challenges

Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 Webinar Series: Part 3-Task-Shifting To Address Increasing Challenges

Health and Human Services Partnership Center for Faith and Community Initiatives presents Part 3 of Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 webinar series, “Task-Shifting to Address Increasing Challenges,”

As churches consider reopening buildings and resuming in-person worship, what can pastors expect?

As churches consider reopening buildings and resuming in-person worship, what can pastors expect?

Churches are looking toward re-opening buildings and resuming in-person worship. What can pastors expect to encounter as they lead their churches in the weeks and months to come?

A global call to prayer

A global call to prayer

A prayer initiative sponsored by the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (HCHF), which is composed of Muslim and Christian religious leaders called for May 14 to be a day dedicated to fasting, works of mercy, prayers and supplications for the good of all humanity, so that God will end the pandemic.