Living Your Life in the Time of Corona Virus/ La Vida Durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Living Your Life in the Time of Corona Virus/ La Vida Durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Los invitamos a usted y a su comunidad a participar en un seminario virtual en español. Los expertos de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos les darán a conocer las ultimas noticias del coronavirus (COVID-19).

When Resources are Limited, What Would an Ethicist Do

When Resources are Limited, What Would an Ethicist Do

Dr. Paul Root Wolpe and Kathy Kinlaw discuss the unique ethical challenges of triage, ventilator allocation, DNR orders, and other difficult decisions related to treatment of COVID-19, and how hospitals locally and across the nation are handling these challenges.