DESCRIPTION: Health and Human Services Partnership Center for Faith and Community Initiatives presents Part 3 of Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 webinar series, “Task-Shifting to Address Increasing Challenges,” Tues., May 26, 12:00 ET. With the expected increase of mental health challenges related to COVID-19, this segment highlights faith-based and community groups that are using online training and resources to develop mental health skills in their leaders.

Available now as recordings:
Part 1: “Preparing Leaders to Address the Challenges,” (download the recording).

Part 2: “When Trauma, Fear, and Anxiety Become Overwhelming,” (download the recording). 

Part 4: “Connecting Spirituality to Mental Health Services in the Midst of the Crisis,” June 9 at 12 pm ET. Registration opening soon.

TOPICS:  Community Support:  Outreach to those who face vulnerabilities; Health Ministries;  Specialized Ministries:  Health Ministries;  Other:  Clergy self-care; Spiritual reflection; Mental health during a pandemic

SOURCE: Health and Human Services Partnership Center for Faith and Community Initiatives