Pastoring in a Time of Pandemic

Pastoring in a Time of Pandemic

Solihten Institute and Samaritan Counseling Center of Atlanta present a live interactive webinar “Pastoring in a Time of Pandemic,” a conversation about the intersection of faith and mental health in these unprecedented times.

Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 Webinar Series: Part 3-Task-Shifting To Address Increasing Challenges

Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 Webinar Series: Part 3-Task-Shifting To Address Increasing Challenges

Health and Human Services Partnership Center for Faith and Community Initiatives presents Part 3 of Mental Health in a Time of COVID-19 webinar series, “Task-Shifting to Address Increasing Challenges,”

Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Toolkit for Emotional Coping for Healthcare Staff

Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Toolkit for Emotional Coping for Healthcare Staff

Frontline healthcare staff are facing unprecedented stressors as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. The Toolkit for Emotional Coping for Healthcare Staff (TECHS) is a set of concrete tools healthcare staff can use during these challenging times.