United Health Organization, Detroit, MI

United Health Organization is working toward achieving a healthier America through health and wellness promotion, education, counseling, referrals, and advocacy.


Model Practice in Action:  Network Connections

Ifetayo Johnson, executive director of United Health Organization (UHO) in Detroit, pays very close attention to being connected across the city of Detroit and beyond. During the National Influenza Vaccination Week and Acacia Salatti, the deputy director of the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, knew that Detroit was an important city for the Surgeon General to visit. In 2009, H1N1 immunization uptake had been very low in the African American community there. Salatti also had a relationship with Johnson and knew that she could count on her to pull together key leaders in the city. UHO has 45 years of experience, commitment, and trusted relationships, having led the effort each year to provide community-based health screenings to thousands of the uninsured and underinsured.

Johnson is the quintessential “trusted messenger” and drew on her connectivity to pull together elected officials, community members, health department leaders (county, city, and state), religious leaders, media, and healthcare leaders for the Surgeon General’s visit. She took the opportunity to leverage much- needed health communication for this community and build further connectivity between the faith-based and health sectors.

The city health department did not waste any time in following up with Johnson to schedule numerous vaccination events at African-American churches in UHO’s network.

By identifying trusted leaders we have actively engaged congregations in behavior change.

Contact United Health Organization

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