Kenya Overview
The following pages provide data on HIV services provided in the country of Kenya and the percentage of those services provided by the faith-based sector. This work was carried out as part of a Joint Initiative between the U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Emory’s Interfaith Health Program is working alongside the University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Africa) and St. Paul’s University (Limuru, Kenya) to form the Academic Consortium of this Joint Initiative. Together with the Christian Health Association (CHAK), members of the Academic Consortium carried out a secondary analysis of existing HIV health services data. AMREF Health Africa provided ethical clearance for the study. The results of the analysis can be found here.
Data for pediatric HIV, adult HIV, and voluntary HIV counseling and testing services are provided. Data for the services in general is broken down to the county level—summary data on these services is available for all 47 counties in Kenya. The data for services provided by the faith-based sector in each county is broken down to the facility level. You may access the data on a county-by-county basis by clicking on the “VIEW COUNTY DATA” tab below. This will take you to a separate page which summarizes data for all three service categories for each county in Kenya, with counties arranged according to high, medium, or low HIV incidence according to the 2014 HIV Prevention Revolution Road Map, Kenya’s national HIV prevention strategy.
You may also access data for each service category by clicking on the “VIEW PEDIATRIC DATA,” the “VIEW ADULT DATA,” or the “VIEW VCT DATA” tabs. Each of these tabs takes you to a separate page that provides you with data for all faith-based health facilities providing that particular service in each of Kenya’s 47 counties. Finally, you can access a summary of all faith-based facilities providing one or more HIV services in each county by clicking on the “VIEW FACILITIES DATA” tab. Each of these data sites provides links to maps showing the GIS locations of faith-based facilities in each county.
Click to view all data by Kenya county
High Incidence Counties
Click to view all data for Kenya high incidence counties
Medium Incidence Counties
Click to view all data for Kenya medium incidence counties
Low Incidence Counties
Click to view all data for Kenya low incidence counties

Click to view all Kenya Pediatric data by:
- Facility Name
- Number of Children currently on ART
- Number of HIV+ Children currently in care
- Contact Information

Click to view all Kenya Adult data by:
- Facility Name
- Number of Adults currently on ART
- Number of HIV+ Adults currently in care
- Contact Information
Voluntary counseling and testing
Click to view all Kenya VCT data by:
- Facility Name
- VCT clients tested
- Contact Information

Click to view all Kenya Facility data by:
- Facility Name
- Affiliation
- Facility Type
- Services
- Contact Information
Health services data were gathered from the Kenya Health Information System platform. Going county by county, HIV services for each facility were gathered from the platform and then aggregated to produce county-level totals of all HIV services and total of HIV services provided by faith-based providers.
In addition to providing data on the health services, this website provides geospatial locations of each facility. Geospatial maps are available for each of Kenya’s forty-seven counties. They can be accessed in two ways. The “VIEW COUNTY DATA” page allows users to link to maps showing facilities that offer each individual service (adult, pediatric, or VCT) while the “VIEW FACILITIES DATA” page allows users to link to maps showing all faith-based facilities (including those that do not provide HIV services). The geospatial location for each facility was provided by the Kenya Master Health Facility List.