IHP Staff

John Blevins, ThD, MDiv • Acting Director • Associate Research Professor
John brings an interdisciplinary background in practical theology and public health program development to the work of the Interfaith Health Program, where he has worked on a variety of global health initiatives. John has directed IHP’s efforts in community health assets mapping and mobilization in Mukuru, an informal settlement on the eastern edge of Nairobi, Kenya. In addition, he has worked to expand IHP’s teaching and research into religion’s role in public health and development models in international contexts; much of this work is has been possible through extensive collaborations between IHP and St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya. His research endeavors to critically reflect on religious or public health practices using contemporary theology, cultural theory, and public health scholarship.
Prior to joining Emory’s faculty, Dr. Blevins coordinated clinical education programs on HIV, mental illness, and substance abuse for the Southeast AIDS Training and Education in the Emory University School of Medicine. In the classroom, John has received awards as Faculty Person of the Year and Excellence in Teaching at Emory’s Candler School of Theology. John has worked in HIV clinical settings as a chaplain in Chicago and as a health educator and counselor at the Grady Health System Infectious Disease Program in Atlanta. He serves on the board of Partners in Development, a Non Governmental Organization that works to address glaring health, economic, and educational disparities in Zambia, and is the immediate Past Chair of the Board of the Atlanta Harm Reduction Center. John has developed workshops for the Council of Churches of Zambia and is coordinating IHP’s partnership with colleagues in South Africa to understand more clearly the effects of religion on sexual health, reproductive health, and healthy families. VIEW DR. BLEVINS’ CV»
John Blevins, ThD, MDiv • Acting Director • Associate Research Professor
404-727-6338 • john.blevins@emory.edu

Mimi Kiser, DMin, MPH, RN • Assistant Research Professor & Senior Program Director
Mimi Kiser has been with the Interfaith Health Program since 1993, after a first career as a community health nurse. She cut her teeth in faith and health working with Dr. Tom Droege at The Carter Center in the early years of Atlanta Interfaith Health taking on the responsibility of coordinating program planning and evaluation using a participatory approach. For five years she worked with Dr. David Hilton, facilitating Training for Transformation workshops in health ministry and public health settings. Mimi has taught “Health as Social Justice” and “Faith and Health: Transforming Communities” for Emory public health, nursing, and theology graduate students for a number of years.
From 1995 through 2006, her work at the IHP was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most recently directing the Institute for Public Health and Faith Collaborations (IPHFC). The Institute has ignited the work of 78 collaboratives in 24 states aimed at the elimination of health disparities. Dr. Kiser has contributed nationally to building the capacity of health groups to form collaborative relationships with the faith community, specifically through networks such as the American Public Health Association’s Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community, the Coalition for Healthier Cities and Communities’ Faith Action Team, and the Health Ministries Association. Her on the ground work took on new dimensions when she took on part time work from 1996 to 2001 as Coordinator of Parish Health Ministry for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
She is currently chair of Emory’s Religion and Health Collaborative Academic Programs Working Group. Through her leadership, IHP and Emory’s new collaborative are contributing innovative education and training models to the faith and health movement. Mimi earned her doctorate in ministry in Faith and the Health of Communities at Wesley Seminary in D.C.
Mimi Kiser, DMin, MPH, RN • Assistant Research Professor & Senior Program Director
404-727-5199 • mkiser@.emory.edu

Susan Landskroener • Project Coordinator
Susan Landskroener is the Project Coordinator for the Interfaith Health Program at the Rollins School of Public Health and the Religion and Public Health Collaborative at Emory University. She brings extensive experience in programmatic, fiscal, and administrative management to these programs, having served many companies in the business sector, including McKinsey & Company, Korn/Ferry International, and Enzymatic DeinkingTechnologies.
Susan has been at Emory for over 13 years and received a Master of Theological Studies from the Candler School of Theology in May 2016. A musician by education, she attended Bucknell University (BS, Music Education) and Yale University (MM).
Susan Landskroener, MM • Project Coordinator
404-727-4110 • slandsk@emory.edu