IHP Archive
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The Church’s Challenge in Health
Authors:: Jimmy Carter, William Foege, James Mason, C. Everett Koop, Martin Marty, Rosalynn Carter, and Terry HamiltonDate: 1989
Location: N/A

Healthy People 2000: A Role for America’s Religious Communities
Authors:William Foege, Laurence O’Connell, Martha Katz, James Mason, Martin Marty, Dennis Tolsma, Constance Conrad, and Mark ScottDate: 1990
Location: N/A

When Public Health and Faith Groups Encounter Each Other
Author: Pam CoutureDate: January 7, 1993
Location: The Carter Center

Playing To Our Strengths: Religious Hospitals and Community Health Status
Author: Gary GundersonDate: October 27, 1994
Location: National Interfaith Healthcare Leadership Conference

The Challenges of Faith and Health
Authors: Jimmy Carter, William Foege, Gary Gunderson, Mark Rosenberg, Jocelyn Elders, Donna Willis, Felton May, Romie J. Lilly II, Marie Sandusky Peterson, James Solomon, Anne Joseph, Mack Bonner, Virginia Schiaffino, Claire Griffin-FrancelDate: 1994
Location: N/A

Expanding the Public Health Envelope Through Faith Community-Public Health Partnerships
Presenters: Evans, Satcher, Saperstein, Brown-Campbell, Guerra, FoegeDate: November 3, 1994
Location: 122nd Meeting of the America Public Health Association, Washington, DC

Starting Point: Empowering Communities to Improve Health
Authors: Jimmy Carter, Tom Droege and Fran WengerDate: 1997
Location: N/A

Final Report to the Pew Foundation on the Work of the Atlanta Interfaith Health Program
Author: Thomas DroegeDate: July 1997
Location: N/A

Strong Partners: Realigning Religious Health Assets for Community Health
Authors: William Foege, Gary Gunderson, Len Duhl, John Gates, Douglas Pascover, Nancy Zionts, James Mercy, Byron Harrell, John Graham, and Dean SchoolerDate:1997
Location: N/A

A Partnership for Healthier Communities: Health Professions Schools, Seminaries, and Faith Communities
Author: Thomas DroegeDate: 1998
Location: N/A

What If Every Congregation…” A Sampling of Congregation and Community Health Models
Author: Mimi KiserDate: 1998
Location: N/A

Good News for the Whole Community: Reflections on the History of the First Century of the Social Gospel Movement
Author: Gary GundersonDate: January 28, 1999
Location: Pacific School of Religion (PSR), Berkeley, CA

Promoting Health: Challenges for Faith Organizations
Author: Fred SmithDate: December 7, 1999
Location: Yale University School of Medicine

Repairers of the Breach and Restorers of the Streets: The Role of the Faith Community
Author: Fred SmithDate: 1999
Location: Community Links Program Through Partnerships at the Carter Center

Strong Partners Program Report to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Author: Fran WengerDate: November 2000
Location: N/A

The Faith and Health Consortium: An Initiative of the Interfaith Health Program
Author: Fran WengerDate: 2001
Location: N/A

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant Results Report
Author: Susan G. Parker, Robert Wood Johnson FoundationDate: 2002
Location: N/A

Global Religious Health Assets Initiative
Participants: Franklin Baer, Jim Cochrane, Frank Dimmock, Sambe Duale, Emma Ferreira, Niels French, Gary Gunderson, David Hilton, Lucy Keough, Nduge Kiiti, Manoj Kurian, Meredith Long, Ray Martin, Deborah McFarland, Yolanta Melamed, Jacqui Patterson, Munro Proctor, David Sauer, Robert Sprinkle, Ruth WalkupDate: April 29-30, 2002
Location: The Carter Center, Atlanta, GA

African Religious Health Assets Program
Participants: Harald Askeland, Mary Baich, Christoph Benn, Jim Cochrane, Frank Dimmock, Niels French, Gary Gunderson, Tor Haugstad, Manoj Kurian, Deborah McFarland, Barbara Schmid, Rich Watson, Susan Purcell Gilpin, Mwandira Ruth Hope, Vuyelwa Tenjiwe Chitimbire, Simon Mphuka, Eva Ombakka, Samuel Mwenda, Marlon Banda, Eli Nangawe, Frits v.d. HoevenDate: December 1-3, 2002
Location: World Council of Churches, Geneva Switzerland

Leadership at the Boundary of Faith, Health, and Community
Author: Brad S. GrayDate: February 11, 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

You’re Soaking In It
Author: Susan ThistlethwaiteDate: February 11, 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

The Science of Transformation
Author: Marshall KreuterDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Community Systems Change: Dallas, TX
Author: Larry JamesDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Institute for Public Health and Faith Collaborations
Author: Mimi KiserDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Giving Voice: Celebrating Seven Models for Leadership Development
Author: Debbie JonesDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Denominational and Religious Health Systems Approaches to Congregational and Community Health
Author: Kirsten PeacheyDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

The Art of Leadership Effectiveness in the Science of Transformation
Author: Milano HardenDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Creating a Community of Truth: Integrating our Collective Ways of Seeing Through Systems Thinking Approaches
Author: Doc KleinDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

A Model for Community Transformation
Author: James McKenzieDate: February 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Leadership at the Boundary of Faith, Health, and Community
Author: Brad S. GrayDate: February 11, 2004
Location: Interfaith Health Program National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Faith and Health: Transforming Communities Tuesday Keynote Address
Author: Kenneth RobinsonDate: 2004
Location: Faith and Health: Transforming Communities National Conference

Boundary Leadership for Breaking Ground
Author: Gary GundersonDate: 2006
Location: Chicago

Appreciating Assets: The Contribution of Religion to Universal Access in Africa, Report for the World Health Organization
Authors: Debbie Jones, Gary Gunderson, James Cochrane, Barbara SchmidDate: October 2006
Location: N/A

The Unsafe Sex of Exchanging Bodies Fluidly: Religion and Public Health Intersecting in the Context of HIV
Author: John BlevinsDate: 2007
Location: Maps and Mazes: Critical Inquiries at the Intersection of Religion and Health Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA USA

Mixed Messages: Religious Perspectives on Human Sexuality and Their Impact on Beliefs and Practices
Author: John BlevinsDate: 2009
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Silence and Speech: Theological Articulation and Negation in Response to HIV
Author: John BlevinsDate: 2009
Location: Task Force on HIV, Presbyterian Church in the USA

Mukuru on the Move: Mapping and Mobilizing Community Health Assets for an HIV Free Generation
Authors: Debbie Jones and Sandra ThurmanDate: 2009
Location: N/A

Making the Invisible Visible: Community Health Assets Mapping and Community Level HIV Prevention
Authors: Christopher Benjamin (C.B.) Peter, John BlevinsDate: July 2010
Location: Conference, Community, Participation, Development: Toward Improved Practice, co-sponsored by International Relief and Development and Candler School of Theology

Cultivating a Critical Attitude in Pastoral Theology
Author: John BlevinsDate: November 2010
Location: Annual Meeting of the Society for Pastoral Theology, Chicago, IL

Negotiating Differences: Why Theology is Important for Interdisciplinary Field Placements in Global Contexts
Authors: John Blevins, Mimi Kiser, and Esther MomboDate: 2012
Location: Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, IL

MUKURU ON THE MOVE: A Directory of Health Assets in Mukuru kwa Njenga, kwa Reuben, and Lunga Lunga--Three Communities in Nairobi, Kenya
Authors: Mukuru on the Move team, John Blevins, Sandra ThurmanDate: 2010/2012
Location: N/A

Different Ways of Doing Violence: Sexuality, Religion, and Public Health in the Lives of Same Gender-loving Men in Kenya
Authors: John Blevins and Peter IrunguDate: November 2013
Location: Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Baltimore, MD

Where to Draw the Line: Crossing the Boundaries of Religion and Public Health
Author: John BlevinsDate: November 23, 2013
Location: Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Baltimore, MD

Assorted Writings and Presentations of Thomas A. Droege
Author: Thomas A. DroegeDate: Various Years
Location: N/A