A West Virginia church spends Easter making masks, other PPE using 3-D printers
The church is trying to help a local hospital in an economically depressed area of West Virginia that has struggled with the opioid epidemic.
The church is trying to help a local hospital in an economically depressed area of West Virginia that has struggled with the opioid epidemic.
The Mesothelioma Center provide information and resources for mesothelioma cancer patients regarding coronavirus.
An army of religious women is responding to the global new coronavirus emergency as they serve the sick, often at the risk of their own lives.
This document provides an example of how religious leaders advocated to their local government for consideration of their special role in providing ministries to local communities as the government carries out its COVID-19 response
This printable document can be used as a doorhanger to indicate to housekeeping staff whether a room that had been previously sanitized has been used and needs to be cleaned again.
This website offers a variety of resources for chaplains and pastoral educators. The organization that sponsors is also offering a weekly webinar (on Tuesdays from 12 noon-1 pm) to provide information and support to chaplains responding to the outbreak. See the website for further information and instructions for signing up.