Guidance for Faith Communities & Places of Worship
Guidance document developed by World Vision for faith leaders to prevent the spread of coronavirus and to prevent misinformation about the virus in their communities.
Guidance document developed by World Vision for faith leaders to prevent the spread of coronavirus and to prevent misinformation about the virus in their communities.
A profile of New York City chaplains praying for coronavirus patients.
Hospital chaplains are increasingly supporting NHS medics who are giving emotional and spiritual care to people at the end of their lives in the absence of loved ones and faith representatives.
Article describing the role of chaplains in the health-care response to COVID-19.
This document provides an example of how religious leaders advocated to their local government for consideration of their special role in providing ministries to local communities as the government carries out its COVID-19 response
This website provides updated guidance on how to address risks of exposure and transmission when conducting burial rituals and practices at the time of death.