Guidance for Rituals for Priests in the Archdiocese of New York
This document provides guidance from the Archdiocese to priests in congregational service for cancelling services or for modifying them under strictly determined circumstances.
This document provides guidance from the Archdiocese to priests in congregational service for cancelling services or for modifying them under strictly determined circumstances.
This document provides an example of how religious leaders advocated to their local government for consideration of their special role in providing ministries to local communities as the government carries out its COVID-19 response
This printable document can be used as a doorhanger to indicate to housekeeping staff whether a room that had been previously sanitized has been used and needs to be cleaned again.
This flyer offers two different Buddhist prayers that each take about 20 seconds to recite. To be used as a tool for encouraging sufficient handwashing.
This document provides a list of things that one might do to lift their spirit.
The goal of this checklist is to give you a handle on what might occur during a pandemic outbreak and how to keep your congregation running if such a disaster occurs.