This printable document can be used as a doorhanger to indicate to housekeeping staff whether a room that had been previously sanitized has been used and needs to be cleaned again.
This printable document can be used as a doorhanger to indicate to housekeeping staff whether a room that had been previously sanitized has been used and needs to be cleaned again.
This flyer offers two different Buddhist prayers that each take about 20 seconds to recite. To be used as a tool for encouraging sufficient handwashing.
This website provides updated guidance on how to address risks of exposure and transmission when conducting burial rituals and practices at the time of death.
A web platform from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that offers guidance to community organizations working with those who are homeless to address outbreak prevention and mitigation.
A web platform from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that offers guidance to faith communities for outbreak prevention and mitigation.
An extensive blog by a clergy person in metropolitan Seattle, offering first-hand advice on precautions, worship models, pastoral care, and self-care from a congregation in a community with a high incidence of infection.