COVID-19 Resources for Undocumented Communities
A regularly updated spreadsheet with national (United States) and local resources for people who are undocumented to access services during the outbreak.
A regularly updated spreadsheet with national (United States) and local resources for people who are undocumented to access services during the outbreak.
Platform developed by the Church of England with various resources to support clergy and congregations to respond.
This podcast by Episcopal Relief and Development discusses a variety of issues that complicate self-isolation and quarantine as prevention measures.
This document provides guidance from the Archdiocese to priests in congregational service for cancelling services or for modifying them under strictly determined circumstances.
This flyer offers two different Buddhist prayers that each take about 20 seconds to recite. To be used as a tool for encouraging sufficient handwashing.
This website provides updated guidance on how to address risks of exposure and transmission when conducting burial rituals and practices at the time of death.