Guidance for Faith Communities & Places of Worship
Guidance document developed by World Vision for faith leaders to prevent the spread of coronavirus and to prevent misinformation about the virus in their communities.
Guidance document developed by World Vision for faith leaders to prevent the spread of coronavirus and to prevent misinformation about the virus in their communities.
General guidelines to help faith leaders prevent the transmission of COVID-19
A web platform from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that offers guidance to community organizations working with those who are homeless to address outbreak prevention and mitigation.
An opinion piece by a local Christian pastor describing his congregation’s responses to the outbreak and offering perspectives on caring for those who are most vulnerable, challenging fear and xenophobia, and offering support for those who feel isolated and lonely.
The goal of this checklist is to give you a handle on what might occur during a pandemic outbreak and how to keep your congregation running if such a disaster occurs.