by IHP | Jun 9, 2020 | Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Racial Justice, Theological Reflections
Dr. Lewis Debnam discusses how the Social Determinants of Health are adding to the stresses and strains of the families she’s seeing in her practice. She also talks about how she and other physicians are “praying around the clock” for the world, for their patients, and for a cure.
by IHP | Jun 9, 2020 | Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Racial Justice, Theological Reflections
Dr. Sweet begins by explaining how she chose the profession of family medicine, describing her medical education at Meharry Medical College and her residency in Louisiana. Dr. Sweet and Dr. Sexton discuss their shared experiences raising children as single mothers.
by IHP | Jun 9, 2020 | Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Racial Justice, Theological Reflections
Dr. Smith begins by discussing the Interfaith Children’s Movement, a movement founded by children in 2001 to respond to children’s needs—especially those who are most vulnerable.
by IHP | Jun 8, 2020 | Congregational Care, Coronavirus Resources, New Resources, Printed Materials
An ecumenical group of theologians, scientists, physicians, pastors, bishops, and practitioners from United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic traditions, led by the Rev. Dr. L. Edward Phillips, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, have convened to provide protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacraments during a time of pandemic.
by IHP | May 28, 2020 | Interdisciplinary Scholarship, Racial Justice, Theological Reflections
The interview begins with Reverend Ross and Doctor Sexton reflecting on the significance of breath and of breathing during this pandemic. Reverend Ross reflects on the ways in which stay-at-home mandates have cleared the air in many cities around the world, including Atlanta.