IHP Webinars

Webinars to Build Capacity Among Global FBOs to Address HIV in Clinical and Community Contexts


WEBINAR 1:  Using a logic model to guide program design and activities

November 6, 2018  |  9:00 A.M. [Eastern Standard Time]


This webinar will provide an overview to participants on how to use a logic model to design programs and develop activities in order to achieve desired deliverables.  Participants will understand the relationships among goals and objectives, inputs (resources), outputs (activities and audiences), and outcomes.


National-level or smaller NGOs/FBOs


a) Describe the key components and theoretical assumptions of a logic model.

b) Assess organizational capacities in relation to feasible interventions.

c) Apply a logic model to a case.


  • Mini lecture on objective a;
  • Mini lecture on objective b;
  • Case presentation;
  • Discussion

WEBINAR 2:  Designing a program to demonstrate impact

December 4, 2018  |  9:00 A.M. [Eastern Standard Time]


This webinar focuses on outputs and outcomes in the logic model. These elements allow an organization to identify what it can feasibly achieve and to accurately plan for deliverables and measurement of outcomes.


National-level or smaller NGOs/FBOs


a)  Describe the flow and causal relationships across the logic model.

b)  Define outputs, outcomes, and impact.

c)  Describe methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed) for measuring outputs, outcomes, and impact.

d)  Case application (what happens in the real world—e.g., organization and funder conflict)

e)  Identify the ways in which capacity built for demonstrating evidence can be a resource for the organization itself.


  • Mini lecture on objective a;
  • Mini lecture on objectives b, c;
  • Case presentation;
  • Discussion on case and final discussion on objective e

WEBINARS 3 and 4:  Generating Evidence on the Distinctives of Faith-Based Organizations in the HIV Response

Webinar 3:  February 5, 2019 |  9:00 A.M. [Eastern Standard Time]

Webinar 4:  March 5, 2019 |  9:00 A.M. [Eastern Standard Time]


These webinars will occur in a series with webinar three focused on faith-based health facilities and webinar 4 focused on faith-based community organizations or local faith communities.  The webinars provide an overview of the literature on the distinctive characteristics of FBOs that can affect HIV services.  Participants will learn how to identify and employ distinctive religious health assets to address HIV.  Topics include: 1) distinctive FBO resources including trust, longevity/sustainability in communities apart from funding, access to supplemental funding, and access to volunteers; 2) distinctive FBO challenges including religion as a driver of stigma (and how FBOs can address this), and tensions between religious priorities and health priorities. In addition, the webinar will address ways to build the evidence for these distinctives and strategies for FBOs communicating those distinctives to different audiences.


For webinar 3:  Faith-based health facilities and health systems.

For webinar 4:  National-level or smaller NGOs/FBOs and faith communities


a)  Summarize distinctive characteristics of FBOs and their impact

b)  Describe the history of research on the distinctive characteristics of FBOs.

c)  Distinguish between anecdote and evidence.

d)  Develop various messages on FBO distinctives for various purposes (e.g., advocacy in civil society, making the case to funders, building support in religious communities)

e)  Build capacity for research (both formal research initiatives and informal efforts to document impact) that builds the evidence of faith-based distinctives.


  • Mini lecture on objective a;
  • Mini lecture on objectives b, c;
  • Case presentation;
  • Discussion on case and final discussion on objective e