IHP Programs

Faith-Based Community Partnerships:  Reaching Vulnerable Populations

IHP, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association for State and Health Territorial Officials (ASTHO), IHP has worked to develop a program to build and mobilize capacity within networks of faith-based and community organizations to demonstrate ways to expand reach to vulnerable, at-risk, and minority populations for prevention and treatment of influenza.

Faith, Health Collaboration and Leadership Development Program

Since Fall 2011, IHP has been working with colleagues at St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya to adapt The Institute for Public Health and Faith Collaborations.  In October 2013, this adaptation was completed and a new generation of community collaborations was launched through The Faith, Health Collaboration and Leadership Development Program.

Community Mapping and Mobilization

In collaboration with colleagues from various South African universities and the Methodist/LeBonheur Health System in Memphis, TN, the Interfaith Health Program has played in key role in developing a model for mapping a broad array of health assets that reside in local communities.

Religion and Sexuality

IHP works to understand the complex relationships between religion and public health. In that work, we recognize that religion and public health may sometimes be in alignment and sometimes in tension. This dynamic between alignment and tension can clearly be seen in regard to human sexuality, sexual health, and reproductive health. IHP offers unique perspectives for exploring this dynamic in contexts both in the United States and abroad, particularly in the area of HIV prevention.

Religion, Public Health, and Development

In 2010, IHP staff and colleagues at the Rollins School of Public Health received seed grant funding from the Institute for Developing Nations to develop strategic collaborations between Emory University and colleagues at Saint Paul’s University in Kenya. After a year of planning and site visits between the two schools, Emory and St. Paul’s faculty joined together to create a certificate course in Religion, Public Health and Development.


  • Academic partnership with the Religion and Public Health Collaborative at Emory University
  • Women’s Leadership Development
  • Global Health and Society
  • Community Health Interfaith Partnership (CHIP)


Focused on our abiding interest in building a movement for faith and public health, IHP staff offer the following services:

  • Serve as consultants with educational institutions, social service agencies, foundations, denominations, and faith groups
  • Convene meetings and conferences, tapping our database of a broad interfaith spectrum of leaders and organizations which are the backbone of faith and health work
  • Conduct training workshops and seminars on various faith and health topics, including:
    • Inter-religious literacy
    • Alignment of assets to address health disparities
    • Religion and adolescent sexual health
    • Leadership development for faith and health
  • Present workshops and participate in forums
  • Write reports, articles, and books for publication
  • Facilitate networking and referrals

To discuss IHP providing any of these services for your organization, please contact us